Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee?

Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee

Cinnamon is an excellent additive to add to coffee to improve its flavors, and texture and enjoy lots of health benefits. But does cinnamon reduce acid in coffee which is the key downside of taking this drink? Yes, cinnamon can reduce acid in coffee only if you add a bit.

The right amount of cinnamon increase antioxidants, and improve brain function while adding too much increase the change of acidity. You can also reduce acid in coffee by following the cold brewing method, using filtered water and low-acid coffees.

Cinnamon And Acid Reflux in Coffee

Yes, cinnamon reduces acid in coffee. Cinnamon is the most alkaline ingredient with a pH of 8 that can reduce acid in the coffee. However, the effectiveness of cinnamon depends on the amount you add to the drinks.

Putting a splash of ground cinnamon neutralizes acidic compounds contained in coffee. This makes the coffee easier to digest and less harsh on the stomach. But if you add too much cinnamon to coffee, you won’t have any noticeable effect. Instead, it will eliminate other flavors of the coffee.

So if you want to reduce acidic levels and enjoy more flavorful and sweet-smelling coffee, add just a bit of cinnamon to it. A coffee with a moderate amount of cinnamon also improves brain function and reduces cholesterol levels.

How Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee?

Cinnamon contains fiber, antioxidants, iron, fiber, and magnesium that enhance the flavor and make the coffee super drinks. Cinnamon neutralize is a natural antacid and contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively neutralize acids. It doesn’t affect the flavor or smell of the coffee while improving the taste. So, how much cinnamon should you add to coffee to reduce the acidity?

How does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee

Cinnamon is rich in flavor. So you must be careful about the amount to add to coffee. For a cup of coffee, add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. You can also top the coffee with cinnamon powder or simply mix coffee grounds.

Benefits of Adding Cinnamon to Coffee

If you have GERD or feel heartburn or acid reflux after drinking coffee, add some cinnamon to it to control the problem. The other benefits the cinnamon provides are:

Benefits of Adding Cinnamon to Coffee

Improve the Taste

Adding cinnamon to coffee changes its typical taste by increasing sweetness. You can mix a teaspoon or put a cinnamon stick to the cup to get a sweet taste even without adding diet-busting or sugary products.

Increase Antioxidants

Cinnamon has high antioxidant content, making it diet-friendly spic and helpful for lowering acidity while providing unique flavor. While a high amount of cinnamon is acidic, a small amount works as a natural antacid.

Improve the Brain’s Functionality

Coffee also contains caffeine that improves the cognitive processing of the brain, helps become a master in visual response, and enhances brain function. The smell of cinnamon improves processing capabilities, helps ingest the spice, and increases overall attention.

Protect against High Blood Sugar

Cinnamon is a safe alternative to sugar, particularly for people who are hungry for a sweet taste. This spice also helps avoid taking in extra calories and the negative effect of sugar while improving insulin effectiveness in the body. It also helps soothe the inflammation in joints and tissue.

Soothe Cold Symptoms

Drinking hot coffee can effectively relieve sore throat and enhance pain relieving ability. Coffee also soothes the sinuses and reduces the production of mucus.

Boost Energy

Drinking coffee with cinnamon gives an energy boost and helps keep the blood sugar level stable. it also stabilizes energy levels and prevents sugar spikes. So, cinnamon coffee controls the food-related energy source. Adding cinnamon to the coffee also reduces the harmful triglycerides and various heart-related problems.

Alternatives of Cinnamon to Reduce Acid in Coffee

You can simply choose low-acid coffee and coffee brands to enjoy outdoor gatherings while avoiding potential health problems. But at home, follow these tricks to enjoy more flavorful, smoother, and less acidic coffee:

Alternatives of Cinnamon to Reduce Acid in Coffee

Cold Brew Method

In this method, you need to steep the grounds in cold temperatures for a long period. Compared to the hot brewing method, this method reduces the acidity in coffee by up to 60%. Since it extracts fewer acids from the bean, you’ll have much less acidic coffee. Though it’s a tiresome and time-consuming method, it’ll provide you with a smoother cup of coffee with lower acidity.

Low Acid Coffees

If you want to reduce acid in coffee without adding cinnamon or applying any special technique, choose lower-acid coffee and roast it. Roasting the coffee beans lightly reduces their acidity level more than darker roasts due to exposure to heat.

Coffees like Arabica varieties are less acidic than robusta beans. Dark roast coffee also contains a lower amount of acid, making it suitable for preparing less acidic coffee.

Filtered Water Method

You can also use filtered water in place of tap water to prepare less acidic coffee. The reason is that tap water has a higher amount of minerals like magnesium and calcium that increase the pH level and create a more acidic flavor. Filtered water won’t also contaminate the mug, making it better for a healthier life.

Putting Almond Milk

If you prefer a dairy alternative of cinnamon to reduce acid in coffee, choose almond milk. It can also neutralize stomach acid and ease acid reflux sign. Almond milk is a very healthy ingredient that you can add to both hot and cold coffee. It provides a tty flavor and creamy texture while giving amazing tastes.


Is Cinnamon Healthy in Coffee?

Adding cinnamon to coffee makes it a super drink for health. This duo provides a synergistic effect of antioxidants so the body can keep the cells healthy. Cinnamon also provides a woody taste to black coffee while providing vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients. It is also scientifically proven that a daily serving of 1.5 to 4 grams of cinnamon reduces C-seactivate protein and rereduceshe chance of heart attack.

What to Eat with Coffee to Reduce acid?

You can eat healthy breakfast food like eggs and avocado with coffee to reduce acidity. If you have symptoms of acid reflux, eat wholegrain foods that are rich in fiber. For example, porridge and brown bread.  Fruits like cherries, bananas, dates, figs, and nuts like macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts also help reduce acid.

Does Creamer Make Coffee Less Acidic?

Creamer contains calcium that helps balance the pH of the coffee and makes it less acidic. It is also a great additive to cut acidity right in the cup. Creamers also enhance the texture of the coffee and mask bitterness.

Final Words

So, the cinnamon can reduce the acid in coffee. However, the amount is the key. Adding a pinch of ground cinnamon adds flavor and brings a unique taste while putting too much can make the taste too strong. If you want to reduce the acidity of coffee but sacrifice the taste or flavors, try the alternative methods. However cinnamon is a healthy option and great for improving both mental and health conditions.

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